AmpiTech Academy is a tech hub thats offers STEAM education to kids aged 8 - 17 years. Our custom curriculum is developed and curated in partnership with industry top STEAM reliant companies, Universities and tech hubs to suit their interests.
Here at AmpiTech Academy we offer an experience unlike any other for kids on the STEAM program. We assist kids and teens to push past the boundaries of school and bonding over the latest tech topics. Here they learn how to code, create a YouTube Video or motion graphics, design games and explore robotics! They undergo rigorous orientation and guidance in picking one of our tech topics! With individual attention from our instructors, they’ll build in-demand skills and create a completely personalized project.
STEAM stands for (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and it’s used as an access point for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. STEAM learning applies meaningful Math, science, and technology content to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning activities and creative design.
A choice that makes the difference.
Founded by Jacktone Momanyi and partners( Hesbon Ombati, Doreen Mwikali & Emery Bashige), the AmpiTech Academy Program, running under Ampitech Solutions Limited, serves to equip youngsters with technology skills needed for the ever-changing digital world. With neighbors’ children knocking on his door after school to play games on his laptop, our founder saw an opportunity to train the young ones in programming skills, building games instead of just playing them and introducing them to the world of AI and robotics.
To train a generation of tomorrow’s creators with the competence to design and develop disruptive innovations that solve societal challenges.
To be a global leader in training and provisioning of disruptive services and innovations that bridge the digital divide.